Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Mission of the Church

Jesus said in Luke 10:19 that He came to seek and to save that which is lost.

His mission was proactive (seek) and redemptive (save).

With only 3 out of 20 churches growing in America it appears we have lost focus on doing the mission of Jesus!

Why have we lost our passion for the missing? I suggest we have embraced a culture of faithfulness instead of fruitfulness!

What say you?


revbillag said...

Funny you should mention such a topic. We have been preaching about the vast difference between faithfulness and fruitfulness. I mentioned that it is easy to be faithful...ride a pew & do a ittle time for the crime, read a verse or 2 each day, bless the burgers daily, and basically have a sense of "getting over". A stump is faithful. We have the resumes' of pickles. We sit, soak and sour. We shall not be moved but being fruitful is another deal. A factory full of faithful but unfruitful people will go bust. Long story short...one really cannot be truly faithful without being fruitful as well. Lost our passion? We got used to our very own children, Moms & Dads, etc. going to hell. We have lost the reality of a sinners hell. I for one have dusted off a few "old school" messages and you know what? You get what you are fishing for. Great topic, Pastor!
Billy Meek Jr.
Hohenwald First A/G (formerly Trinity A/G)

PaulStrong said...

It seems when we fail to disciple, we fail to multiply.

revbillag said...

So right,discipleship is the key to continued growth. One of the keys to discipleship is teaching them to multiply by winning souls. We know how to market fish, buy fish, cook fish, etc., but teaching fish how to fish is a biggie.

Shane Lafever said...

You can’t be fruitful and selfish at the same time.